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What is a QR code?

QR Code is an abbreviation for Quick Response Code and are known as a 2 dimensional bar-code that can be read by the camera on your cell phone then sends you to a website or provides you with information from the product or service.

In order to use QR codes you only need 2 things a mobile phone with a camera connected to it and a QR code reader. If you have a new smart phone there is a chance that you may already have a QR code reader installed on your phone. Many iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Nokia phones do. If not you will need to install one as we discussed from your phones app store.

Another thing that is important to know is that a QR code can be tracked. If we create QR codes for you we will be able to track and manage your them in real time.


Some of the awesome things you can do with QR codes:

  • Go to a website.
  • Bookmark a website.
  • Make a phone call.
  • Send a short message.
  • Send an e-mail.
  • Create a vCard (v2.1 or v3.0) with coordinates to add a contact to your device.
  • Create a meCard to add a contact to your device.
  • Create a vCalendar event to add to your calendar.

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